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If you hit a jackpot, What would you do?

Hello Friends,

It's been a while since I last posted. I am sorry about that. I promise to be more consistent than this. Happy Democracy Day. It's the beginning of a new era for Nigeria, the beginning of a new Nigeria.

The feeling of having a new government in power according to some people, is similar to how you feel when you win a jackpot, the lottery or whatever it is someone can win, and this got me thinking that it is time for me to proceed to my next question: "What would you do if you won the lottery/ a jackpot?

I remember when I asked this question a few weeks ago, I got all sorts of answers, some had me almost rolling on the floor with laughter, some had me really and truly shocked, a few impressed me............., so I decided to share a few of the responses I got, and my thoughts with you.

Below are a few of the responses I got:

  • Omo, I go first resign from my job, carry my family, go on a well-deserved vacation, when I come back, I will come and think of what to do.
  • My sister, na to first comot this country o. I go enjoy my life small, come back Naija, come invest (invest in what?)
  • Bab, first and foremost, I will leave this job, put the money in the bank, while I think of what to do with it.
  • My sis, I don't know what I will do yet o, all I know is this: " I will gbadun my life wella", chop all the life, and maybe invest some of the money.
Almost everyone had the mindset of investing these funds, but they couldn't tell me for sure what sort of investment they would be doing.

Some wanted to leave their job, while I'm not saying this is a bad idea,I think that's too hasty a decision to make, seeing as how most of them didn't even have a clear idea of what they want to do with the money.

A few people wanted to gbadun their life wella. Now this is not a bad idea, I think you can decide to 'go for a vacation' , change your wardrobe, buy new cars, buy houses and lands(this I support, because it's a form of investment), so far you still have your eyes on the goal (which is how to constructively use the funds you just got).

What I do not subscribe to is for you to practically have no idea what to do, and then think that the idea will come to you when you are on vacation. Don't get me wrong, you might get the inspiration to venture into something new, when you are not in your regular environment, but this doesn't happen often. Truth is, if you don't have ideas of how to constructively spend money when you don't have it in excess, you probably won't have any ideas when you hit a jackpot. #word

My thoughts on this are:

  • When you hit a jackpot, sit down, and portion the money out. Have a clear cut idea, what portion is to used for what.
  • Pay your tithes (for the Christians), Zakat/Sadaqqah( for the Muslims). Pardon my being all religious. smiles.................
  • Save a portion of the funds (your decision)
  • Invest a portion of the funds (this will be discussed in full details later)
  • Do some goodwill spending
  • Spend on yourself( at this stage, you can decide to gbadun yourself wella)

Please note that the spend on yourself comes last. This is deliberate. By spending on yourself last, you would have had time to really think of the things you need and want, so as to curb any impulsive and unnecessary spending, plus you will be spending what is left after you have saved and invested, instead of saving and investing what's left after spending.

I hope tonight's post has been of help.

Till next time.

Peace and Love.


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