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Budgeting............... Introduction!!!!

Hello Everyone!!!!

It's the last month in 2016, and I am soooo excited!!!!!

2015 has been a year of discoveries, and exploring new frontiers for me. I hope it's been the same for you?

You know, I sat down yesterday, and I was thinking............ this happens to a lot of us in December right? We start thinking about the year which is coming to an end......... We start ticking our lists (for those of us who make lists/resolutions), to find out if we achieved what we set out to achieve.

December is the month in which reality stares most of us in the face. It's also a 'turn-up' month, so we tend to spend a lot during this period. From giving out hampers and other Christmas gifts to attending parties, and lots of shows, we tend to spend more than expected in December. The funny thing about this month is this: It tends to go by in a rush, and sooner than expected January comes staring us in the face, with lots of bills to pay; from school fees, to house rents, to loan repayments, etc. January brings all these with it.

We are then faced with a huge dilemna: "How do we pay these bills?"

This is when we remember that we had a plan mapped out concerning our December spend, but didn't stick to it. Some of us didn't even have any plan. We then start chastising ourselves, and thinking thus: I should have stuck to my budget, or I should have had a spending plan for December.

Most times, we end up paying for not sticking to our December financial plan/budget in January when the bills start rolling in..........This leads me to the topic of discussion for today: BUDGETING.

Lets's start with the basics:

  • What is Budgeting?
  • What is a budget?
  • Why should we have a budget?
  • How can we prepare budgets?

A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a set period of time. A budget helps you to make choices, and determine what's important to you?
  • Would you rather save for your children's education or buy that ferrari?
  • Would you rather save and invest now, so you can retire financially healthy and wealthy at 50 or would you rather live the life now, with no savings nor investment, and end up retiring at 75?
The choice is yours to make. I'll finish this topic on my next post, but I'll love to hear from you before then.

Merry Christmas and have a wonderful, stress-less, and fun-filled holiday.

Till next time,

Peace and Love,



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