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Showing posts from 2017


Hello Everyone!!! A very happy new year to you all. So I took a time out , but I am finally back. My first post for the year will be quite humorous but very educative..... I'm sure some of you saw the title of my post and have wondered if I am alright?😉😆 Of course I am....... This is just me thinking "If I can write about how people can make money, save money and make more money, then I should be able to write about how not to make money" ...... *strictly for laugh s * Here are a few tips on how to remain poor for life....... while this is laced with humour, it is also thought-provoking, so sit back, relax and enjoy reading.... Never wake up early, Keep turning and tossing in bed until you are too hungry to continue dozing. If there are no bedbugs, why hurry to get up? Never plan how to spend your money. Whenever you get money, start spending it right away, and when it's finished , try to recall how you spent it..... Afterall, there's more where t...