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5 Habits of Multi Millionaires and Billionaires

Every year, Forbes posts a list of the richest people in the world, these people are multi millionaires, their net-worth can buy some of us and our families combined😊😊😊😊😊. These wealthy people have a 'code' that they follow/adhere to.

There's a saying in my local language which loosely translated to English means: "If you want to catch a monkey, you need to behave like one (a monkey)". This saying is applicable to soo many things including today's topic........... So I will rephrase the saying this way: "If you want to be a millionaire, adopt the habits of millionaires"😊😊😊😊😊😊

You will agree with me that most of us want to be multi-millionaires, the question is do we imbibe the millionaire code? Multi-millionaires have some things in common, from Mark Zuckerberg to Bill Gates to Warren Buffet to Aliko Dangote, you will find out that they almost always have similar habits . The habits of these billionaires have ensured that they remain billionaires even through the ups and downs of various economies of the world.
One thing that these wealthy people have in common is their modesty or should I say modest lifestyle?
Warren Buffet lives in a modest relatively small home in Omaha
Mark Zuckerberg wears almost similar clothing everyday.
Bill Gates does not wear Prada.

Apart from being modest, your average multi-millionaire also exhibit the following habits:

  • They are readers; they always want to learn. It has been said that the average millionaire reads one non-fiction book every month.
  • They understand delayed gratification: This can be linked to modesty too. An average multi-millionaire will rather buy a $10 bag, and save or invest all his other funds, so he can make more money. They don't keep up with the Joneses.
  • They stay away from debt : They do not see debt as a tool. If they want something, they'll rather save for the item , and then buy such item when they have enough funds.
  • They stick to their routines: Most millionaires are not scattered. They have laid down plans, that they follow and execute to the letter. This is not to say that, they do not deviate from their plans at all (If there is a need to deviate, by all means do), but they stay through to their laid-down plans. They don't leave any business unfinished.
  • They exercise: Y'all know I will include this right? As a fit-fam lover that I am πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜‚. But seriously, a lot of multi-millionaires (e.g Richard Branson) believe that when you exercise, it increases  productivity. Exercise also boosts your mood, and prevents diseases like stroke, diabetes etc. Just commit to 15-30 minutes of exercise daily works wonders.

Just follow through on this 'millionaire code' dilligently, and see if you won't be on your way to being a multi-millionaire.

This will be all from me this week, Till next week, keep being the best version of you, and keep making smart money decisions.

Peace and Love,



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